Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Double Buddy Bake S'more Cookies/Cookies and Cream Bars

Ah, yes, SUMMER TIME is here, therefore the baking has increased substantially! There have actually been a good 4 or 5 bakes since the last post, mostly done by Natalia and her amazingness. She baked Twix cookies very reminiscent of those posted earlier on the blog in addition to some chocolate chip cookies that were delicious as well. Today we have a special post though, it was inspired by Stumble as I have had time to just chill out on my computer and find amazing recipes/things I could bake. The post is coming relatively quickly after the bake due to the time I have outside of work and also because I would like to point out that I AM GOING TO CHICAGO for a week this upcoming week and needed to clear off my camera anyway. So yeah, here we go!

So the first recipe that I fell in love with on Stumble was this cookies and cream cookie/bar that looked irresistible. The ingredients were basic: Marshmallows, butter, and an entire package of Oreos...yeah, can't really go wrong with that trio now can we. So it's basically a Rice Krispies treat but with processed Oreos instead. Just had to microwave half a cup of butter with the 5 cups of Marshmallows, then combine the package of Oreos into the poofy cloud of marshmallows as pictured below.

From there we just had to place it into an 8x8 pan and let it sit and form into what would become the picture above. They were quite delicious and probably the easiest thing I have eer baked. It helps to have a food processor of course to break down the oreos.

Next were the S'more Cookies. These were definitely a bit more complicated, but at the same time were very fun to bake. We basically used Jet Puff or whatever it is as the marshmallow and make an 8x8 smore. Ground up graham crackers as the base and cover (with some other ingredients as glue), jet puff stuff on top of the 2 king size chocolate bars placed on top of the bottom graham cracker layer.
My buddy today was house mate Will!! So here he is taking a nice bite out of the product s'more cake lol. It too was very tasty, and now we are fat due to the 128 in^2 of cookie we were forced to eat. Ratings for the cookies are as follows:
Cookies and Cream Bars: 7.5/10
S'more cookies: 9/10