Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Peanut Butter Cookies Buddy Bake

MMMMMmmmm. Peanut Butter cookies right?? How could these ones go wrong?? They did, and they went horribly wrong. After searching through the recipe I realized that there were a few things that were a bit abnormal, I suppose all of which may have affected the outcome. These included peanut butter (we used the stuff that separates), honey, oil (instead of butter) and Anthony baking with me...

But before I get into the baking, let me fill you in on him. His name is Anthony and we are officially neighbors, but we actually met a couple of years ago, initially because we lived in the same res hall, but also because we would compete together (until he couldn't keep up with the novice boat) on Crew haha. Anyway, we both moved into the same complex and he was around, so I made him bake with me. Also, Anthony has a hard time with the days of the week, so take it easy on him.

There he is...
So, we mixed the wet ingredients which were the three things i listed earlier (no sugar or butter, weird right?) And after that, put the dry ingredients in (which, interestingly enough, had nutmeg and cloves, never used them before). After mixing them all together, the "dough" was very dry, and as Anthony said, "If we added raisins, it would look like trail mix." After rechecking the recipe like three or four times, I knew that we hadn't missed anything, and since I had seen dough reminiscent of this before, I figured, well, maybe it'll come out alright. I tasted the dough and it tasted alright. I was hoping it would have tasted a bit stronger, but no.
After the dough problems I had an even worse one...I burnt the cookies. As you know, this is never okay. You can see in the picture how badly some of them were burned. Luckily, our oven is too small to hold both pans at once, so the second one I was smarter about and got them out 3 minutes earlier. We tried the burnt ones and they were disgusting. Not only were they burnt, they were like powdery when the fell apart in your mouth...another sign of being too dry i suppose. The unburnt ones came out and they weren't much better. The only difference was the burntness of them. Anthony agreed, but kept eating them...

Well, to rate the cookie, I'd have to say 1.5/ be generous. Never again with this recipe

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