Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blueberry Chocolate Soft-Bake Cookies

Buddy Bake Time with Susan and Lauren!!
Susan, Lauren, and I are all UCSD students, but we are also all Homestead High School alumni. I've known these kids for years now and to be honestly, don't remember for sure how we met. I believe it was probably freshman year when I started hanging out with the Sunnyvale kids...yeah that sounds about right, and through band of course. So yeah, we have known each other for some time but unfortunately have not hung out a whole lot over our time here in college. SO FINALLY, we are baking together.

Today's cookie was a special one. I think TOMO? picked it? Either way, they looked delicious. They had the makings of a perfect cookie...blueberry, WHITE CHOCOLATE, SOFT-BAKE!! I was seriously super excited to bake these. Also, as much as I enjoyed baking they Coffee Crunchies, they still got a little overcooked, so I really wanted to succeed and not have any burnt cookies.

Ingredient-wise this was way different than the last two cookies...lots of wet ingredients...MILK even, which I have only used in a couple of recipes to date. Just to make these even more promising, they involved cinnamon, which, lets be honest, it is hard to have too much of. We started mixing the dry ingredients, and by we, I mean Susan, putting way too much baking powder into the bowl...but don't worry, she salvaged it and ensured only the proper amount, or at least close to it, was present.
From this point on, it was messy!
The dough was super soft and mushy, and just plain wet. It was definitely looking delicious, and much more like dough than had the previous two bakes. So we loaded up the cookie sheet (yes the recipe only called for one) and we threw them in the oven. Due to previous burnt cookies, I was determined to get these out in time. I think I got them out 7 minutes early again, and found that they were basically PERFECT. Just had to let them cool for a few seconds before I tested the fresh-baked half of the cookie tasting.

That time finally came, and I wished it would never pass. These cookies were amazing; Cake-like, almost snickerdoodle-esque until one got some of the white chocolate, then it became a succulent combination of cake and white chocolate, but it wasn't over...then the blueberry hits ya, (and thanks to Lauren's very selective process) we had some of the ripest blueberries ever in the cookie. The explosion of fresh blueberry onto the tastebuds wrapped up the experience known as the Blueberry Chocolate Soft-Bake Cookies. Also, because of preparation and ease of assembly, these cookies are getting the first ever 10/10! Yes, it finally happened, the best cookie I have ever made, and thus far tasted. I didn't think this book had what it took to satisfy my sweet tooth, but it did.

I would also like to thank Lauren for all of the very nice pictures, she documented this bake very well.

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