Friday, March 11, 2011

Subway Cookies

I know that there has not been much activity on here once again, but I would like to make a shout-out to Karen Clark for visiting us down in San Diego this last weekend. It was like we hadn't been apart for more than a year, and it was every bit as fun as I was hoping it would be.

But on to cookie talk...

I just want to compliment Subway on having perfected the recipe/cooking time for their classic cookies. Obviously, Subway doesn't make the best cookies in the world (I mean, such magic happens right here on this blog...haha jk), but they are definitely worth the combo price! The white chocolate cookies are quite delicious, and rival the best of them out there. Their new cookies, the raspberry cheesecake cookie (though I think it's some sort of artificial raspberry thing with white chocolate [nothing having to do with cheesecake]), are also quite delicious. The cashier tempted me with a warmed up one, and so I gave in as usual. It was rather delicious, something that I have gone back for (multiple times) since.

I've decided that I have cookie monster in this clip
but yeah, almost every time I go to Subway I basically end up getting the combo with the cookies and the drink. Now, normally this would be okay considering I am typically a pretty active guy, that probably doesn't need to be stressing about his food intake...HOWEVER, this quarter has been intense, and I've had quite a number of commitments that have taken me out of the 'being fit' department and I'm a little worried I might have to take a little break from the cookies...but we'll see, chances are I will just keep on giving in to the call of the cookie.... but seriously...the ones at Espresso Roma are delicious too. Try them! White chocolate oatmeal cookies! So good. All the cinnamon-y taste you want in an oatmeal cookie without the raisins, but with white chocolate, an interesting idea I might have to pursue myself.

Anyway, I just thought I'd post something so that I could have something up just in case there are actually people out there interested in this blog. Hopefully come out with a bake when I'm done with finals and get back from LONDON!!! SO EXCITED!!!

Subway Cookie rating...7.75/10


  1. you are the absolute best! i had an incredible weekend too... it was great to see you again.... let's try not to make it another year, okay? miss you!

  2. Subway's chocolate cookies are the best cookies in the world!!! That cookie monster clip is amazing!
