Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chocolate Munchies

This has been another long week, minimizing the time I have to bake for the blog. Fortunately, I finished my homework early and felt the urge to bake. My buddy for today's bake was someone that I hold very close to my heart. Someone that I barely had the chance to meet in person. Someone whose life was taken unfairly and prematurely 19 years ago to date due to Tongue Cancer. This someone is my father. And though he couldn't be there with me physically, I knew he was there in spirit, ensuring the success of these next cookies.

They were called Chocolate Munchies

These delicious-looking specimen brought back horrible memories of the failed Chocolate-Covered Macaroons, which, if you read before, were also drizzled with chocolate. Thankfully, the rating of these cookies was only level 1. The process was pretty simple. MESSY AS FETCH. But simple. This was, however, one of the few times I get to use Cocoa Powder. Now, I don't know what you're experience with this misleading product is, but I've decided that cocoa powder is not as delicious as it sounds. In fact, it's quite bitter and not tasty...not like a crushed chocolate bar which is what I was kinda hoping for when I purchased it. What I have learned however, is that cocoa powder is meant to taste bitter, counteracting the sweetness typically found in cookies. So, with that in mind I prepared the batter.

The batter was different tasting, not quite something you would want over the actual cookie, mostly because of the cocoa powder. I moved on, saving the opportunity to contract salmonella for a later bake. Then I put them in the oven.

Burn-wise, they came out perfectly (golden brown isn't quite the term as they are already chocolatey brown cookies...but yeah, perfect). While they were baking, I remade the double boiler used for the macaroons (a plate on a boiling pot of water). After removing them from the pan, I drizzled them and understood immediately that this is why the cocoa powder was added, to counteract the drizzled chocolate (which actually tasted good).

MMMMMmmm. They were pretty good. Again, I am not a big fan of cocoa powder still, even with the other chocolate. So overall, I would say that these were about 6.5 /10, especially because of the mess.

RIP (4.24.91)
RIP (4.26.99)

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