Sunday, April 18, 2010

Frosted Butter Cookies

First, I would like to say sorry for such a lengthy time between cookie posts. Its been a crazy week, until, of course Friday night, when I did something that has changed my view of Luigi's at the beach and pizza forever. My room mate, Kevin, and I decided to do their massive pizza challenge where it is up to two of you to eat one of their entire 30" pizzas. It seemed doable at first, and it started out well until I was at the last few bites of my fourth piece. It was at this point that where my gag reflex kicked in and WOULD NOT let me eat any more of the cheese. I tried changing it up with Parmesan cheese and peppers, but the cheesy taste of the once-delicious Luigi's Pizza was too much...Together, we were unable to finish the pizza :( and I ended up puking (in the bathroom thank God, and not on the table like I had for the Iron Man Challenge at the Broken Yolk). The experience was great...and I would have to rate my performance overall as a 7.5/10

These beautiful cookies are named Frosted Butter Cookies. This, I believe, is the THIRD recipe we've followed to completion! YAY! So, the beginning of the cookie baking went just as expected, nothing exciting, nothing horribly wrong. Basic mixing and stuff. Then I had to let them chill, and afterwards I had to do one of my least favorite things regarding the baking of cookies...rolling them out and cutting them. Now, normally, this is all fine and dandy, but when you are lacking a rolling pin and the correctly sized cookie cutter, it takes away from the once homely cutting out of cookies. The things I used to roll them out kept getting stuck, the dough, in general, was very sticky and wet, and it was just a long, difficult process without the right equipment. Eventually, however, I was able to get them all cut out and into the oven.

DANGIT!! For the first time this year, I OVERCOOKED one of the trays. To me, this is blasphemous. NO COOKIE SHOULD EVER BE BURNED!! So, I saw this batch as a failure, but luckily, the other pan was fine and the rest of the cookies turned out great. Next, I had to melt the raspberry preserves (hidden in the middle of the cookies), and put it on. Finally, with the help of my friend Anthony, I was able to make frosting (which was just confectioner's sugar and water...WHO KNEW? ) and place the cherries on top. They turned out beautifully and as you can see, pretty similar to the picture. Overall rating (lowered b/c of the rolling and cutting out, sorry, it just really bothered me) 8/10.


  1. Ahahah I wish I was there with you guys at Luigi's!
    Anyway, I still have to come over for a baking sesh :)
    I want to be a guest!!!
    AND when How to Train Your Dragon comes out on DVD, I'm buying in and we are having a movie night. The three of us!

  2. Fail on the pizza challenge Aus. Drew and I did it! Come on man.
