Sunday, April 11, 2010

Strawberry (Raspberry) Cinnamon Cookies

To attract more attention to the blog, I decided to change it up a bit and start having SEXY LADIES on the blog. This is to ensure more male viewers lol. So, to begin a series of Buddy-bakes, I had my friend Sara over for this delicious-looking cookie. They are called Strawberry Cinnamon Cookies. BUT, as usual, there was something that we did not like and want in the recipe or something that we simply did not have (the strawberry preserves) so we decided to replace it with that already -purchased Raspberry preserves that I had bought for another cookie recipe I have yet to try out.

Thanks to my buddy, the mixing of the ingredients went very quickly, but next we had to do something very new to us...squeeze dough out of a pastry bag...yep! never done that before! So, number 1, we did not have any pastry bags so we tried to use a ziploc bag as is typically used to replace a pastry bag...i think. BUT, the difference is, we were not squeezing out soft frosting or the like...instead, we were trying to squeeze out little, rounded dough pieces. As you might have imagined, this did not work out at all. The dough began to rip the bag almost immediately and basically pushed out little nothingness pieces...SO, we decided against the bag and just made them into drop cookies. We put them on the sheets and pushed in the centers to make a little divot for the raspberry jelly. They came out great! Just the right amount of browning on the bottom of them...I think I speak for the both of us when I say it was really hard to keep from eating them at that point, but we had to...we had to wait until we got the preserves onto them.

We warmed the jelly and put them onto the cookies. As you can see, they ended up looking very, very much like the picture in the book. And let me tell you, they were SO GOOD. The cookie minus the jelly was delicious enough but the combo of the two??? So Good. The cookies were simple too, so their overall rating is going to have to be..................8/10. Thanks so much Sara!! Hope you had as much fun as I did!!


  1. Austin! You're a sweetie! I had a blast :) mmm and they were sooo yummmy!

  2. 1. Those look amazing!

    2. You inspired me to actually watch Julie and Julia...Which was really cute. You're following it excellently.

    3. Those look amazing.

    4. Next time in San Diego you should teach me how to make them.

    5. Incase you didn't realize, those look amazing.



  3. this sure is a great site!
