Saturday, March 27, 2010

Chocolate-Glazed Macaroons

So, today was the first time baking back at school after Spring Break. Unfortunately, when we went out to get the ingredients for this recipe, we forgot the stupid...I said it like 3 times at the store. Oh well, we'll deal with this point, we is my and my good ol' roommate with whom I met last year and havent gotten sick of...yet. Lol, but yeah, I hope he's as down as I am for all of these cookies, even though I know for sure that he might get upset with me for making him fat...but hey, thats the joy of baking cookies...getting fat. HOPEFULLY, he and I will workout enough on the side to counteract the force of the cookies.

Anyway, today's cookie choice was his pick and looked SUPER-GOOD in the picture, so we went for it...So without the eggs, I was forced to borrow some from a friend on campus. Unfortunately, the eggs, when I tried to crack them open and release the egg whites, were retrieving the whites failed. Furthermore, we do not have a mixer, and, in retrospect, this is a problem when one is planning on making macaroons. Welp, let's just say that the lesson was learned...The egg whites were never completely thawed, they frothed up a bit, but never peaked when the sugar was added. EFFF...So now I had this thin mixture of sugar, egg whites, and very little flour, baking powder, and salt...not a pretty combination, and obviously not what we were going for. At this point, realizing that I needed to provide my own eggs and maybe find a mixer on campus somewhere, I decided to try and salvage this mixture by turning them into drop cookies. Additionally, I had some butterscotch chips leftover from past supercookie baking so I decided to throw them in as well as some additional flour. I baked them for a little bit, pulled them out, and tried them.

They were OK, very sweet, almost too sweet, but there was just no substance to them...again the picture will be uploaded later, but I would like to say that tonight was an EPIC FAIL, and I hope to make a more correct version of these cookies later this weekend.

Overall rating... 2/10

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