Saturday, March 27, 2010

Super Chocolate Raisin Cookies

Day 3 of Cookie baking...We went to the store today so we actually have the ingredients necessary to make the macaroons that we were supposed to make yesterday...unfortunately, we did not have the mixer necessary to make them still, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. However, my good ol' roommate decided that we should make another one of the cookies since we had the ingredients, just not the mixer, so I told him to go ahead and pick one. He decided on one of my favorites, Super Chocolate Raisin Cookies...but we did not want the raisins so we had everything but those. I am pleased to say that nothing went wrong with the dough making, for the first time since this blog thing started. Also, this is the first time that the cookies came out looking like the book picture...YAY! These cookies were delicious!! White and milk chocolate combos tend to work out, but like I said to my roommate..."This is why I bake cookies" Golden brown deliciousness-Mmmm

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