Saturday, March 27, 2010

Double Chocolate Cherry Cookies

So, I decided on making this blog a few days after my first cookie baking, so I will not have any picture for the first one except for maybe the one in the book. However, I would still like to describe the interesting reaction that took place within them. So, as you know, they were called Double Chocolate Cherry Cookies. As my friend and I were looking for the ingredients we came upon one named Kirsch...and I needed a 1/2 cup of it to soak the cherries in. Luckily, as we were looking for some of the more uncommon ingredients (Kirsch, raw sugar, pitted sour cherries), we ran into this very kind lady who asked us what we were up to with our confused-looking selves in the middle of the baking aisle. We asked her where to find those things and she said to look for that type of stuff at Whole Foods rather than the Safeway at which we were presently. Fortunately, it was still early enough for Whole Foods to be open so we headed over there to get the remaining ingredients. After finding the cherries and the raw sugar, we went in search for the Kirsch. With no luck, we decided to ask someone who worked there for help...they had no idea of course, so I looked it up on my HANDY DANDY, iPhone! As it turns out, it is a liqueur and, as you may know, I am not 21, so I was unable to purchase this ingredient...WELP, OFF TO A GREAT START ID SAY
We went home and I searched for some extra alcohol behind the bar in the house, and was lucky enough to find an orange liqueur to soak the cherries in. So, aside from that, everything was going great...the chocolates were brown and white, the macadamia nuts were whitish, the cookie dough was green...GREEN??? WTF?? Yes, after all the ingredients were in and mixed, the dough had an odd, green pukish i was just like, "Well, maybe they will brown up nicely in the oven"...and they did...on the edges. I wish I took a picture of these cookies because they were very odd...they tasted great but looked disturbingly green...not like it did in the book. I passed them around and they were enjoyed, but questioned quite a bit. Id have to give them an overall rating of 5/10
Ill post the picture later...till next time!!

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