Monday, March 29, 2010

Dusted Cookies

SO,today was supposed to be a second attempt at the failed Chocolate-Covered Macaroons, and we finally got a mixer, but there were no more of the things that stick in the mixers and spin...yep, forgot exactly what they are called...whatever. So, I decided to try more drop cookies, the type of cookie that generally works out. After much deliberation, I settled on Dusted Cookies. These were initially appealing because they were decorated in a similar fashion to black and white cookies (white on one side, black on the other), but with sugar and cocoa powder. These cookies mark the first batch that I have ever added milk into, and the first batch that didn't have more than like a cup of sugar, so I was curious as to how sweet they could possibly be.

The dough worked out alright. It seemed a bit stickier than it was supposed to, but it still worked, and I was still able to make rounded drops out of it. The baking was quick, only 2 pans with like 15 cookies each on them, for about 15 minutes. Thankfully, I checked at like 14 minutes as my usual worrying self does to ensure that they were not burning...because that is definitely one of the saddest things ever...burnt cookies. Unfortunately, I was a little late with half of the cookies on the older, less silvery pan of ours. Some of the bottoms were a little past GOLDEN BROWN but definitely still edible. The other pan was just about perfect, so I took them both out and had my roommate and his guests taste test them...

Their descriptive words included "subtle," and "tastes like pancakes" so I just had to try one. I initially felt that they were kind of bland, but this could have been expected seeing as I still had to "dust" them. So, I let them cool and I began dusting them. Many of them were lost in the dusting process (meaning some were not perfectly half and half dusted) but we definitely got a few to look relatively similar to the picture in the book as you can see from the picture.

This was a fun cookie to make. Kinda bland, even after the sugar and powder came on, but definitely better, but by far the prettiest cookies I've made thus far.

Overall rating 5.5/10

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